September 26, 2024

September Quality of Life Patch

Map markers, armorer previews, downed states, and more!

Happy September! We hope you're excited for another quality-of-life patch today, featuring some often-requested improvements such as map markers, artisan and armorer previews, continue buttons, and more, alongside a SLEW of bug fixes. Check out this patch highlight video and read the following notes for more detail!

Feature Additions:

The player can now mark the map with a waypoint which will appear on the compass to guide them toward a destination without reopening the map.

The map now has a custom markers widget which allows players to stamp their map with several icons in different colors.

The map now displays information about a particular marker when hovering the cursor over it.

Zooming out will now cover the entire map regardless of resolution

Some temp map markers like player markers have been updated.

Stone Doors have been added to the buildable kit.

Armory and Artisan now display a preview of the item being crafted/customized.

Artisan bench now supports helmet plumes.

Main Menu now has a continue button to quickly join the last known world.

Added an official Creative mode ruleset. (Experimental)


Density of fauna has been greatly increased in the Mediterranean biome.

Wolves now roam the Dark Forest instead of Deer.

Captains now protect shrines instead of Gorgons.

Large changes to trees and mining node health to match the required mining tool damage.

Durability has been balanced on all items.

Golem has undergone a plethora of combat changes.

Soldiers now teleport to starting location when reaching the end of their leash.

Melee targeting in combat has been improved

Updated player character animations.

Players can now punch with just a shield in hand.

Player can now dodge roll under objects.

Player now stays crouched when firing the bow.

Skill level curves have been adjusted.

Loot vacuuming now only vacuums items of the same type.

Player can now paint pillows and curtains.

All buildables now maintain support when reloading a world.

Facilities have updated icons in the build menu.

Insufficient tool message will now appear when using incorrect tool.

The game no longer autosaves when exiting and instead allows player to choose. This prevents player who are checking the state of a save by loading it from overwriting their saves.

Share code can now be copied to the clipboard by clicking it.

Empty hotbar slots can now be selected.

Currently selected hotbar slot is identified with filigree below the slot.

Button prompts for controller hotbar controls have been added.

Artisan bench now includes messaging when the player has nothing to customize.

Corrupted saves are now recognized to let players know to load a backup.

Added a versioning system.

Audio cue has been added for when equipment breaks.

Drowning sounds have been added.

Several misc. Audio, Performance, and UI improvements.

Bug Fixes:

Certain saves with extremely large numbers of buildables should be able to be loaded properly.

Characters now save properly if Steam name consists only of periods.

Items no longer fall through buildables when dropped from a chest.

Grass removed by buildables no longer reappears at further distances.

Buildable target outline now appears before selecting a buildable.

Player can now reset the color of a buildable to its default state with the paint brush.

Portals now unlock correctly when portal projects are completed.

Frost and poison arrows now count towards kill quests when used to kill enemies.

Gorgon teleporting behavior has been significantly improved.

Player can no longer prevent drowning damage by jumping.

Player can no longer gain glide XP while slow falling.

Warmed Up buff can now be refreshed.

Tin pickaxe and axe now require tin ingots instead of copper ingots.

Gold pickaxe now requires hard resin.

Ambrosia ingot sell price has been increased to 7 gold.

Refineries with fire no longer extinguish from rain when covered by structures.

Smelter output will now display the correct ingots

Player no longer hovers over ground after glide dashing repeatedly.

Player is no longer launched into the sky when swimming between ocean and river.

Player can now maintain sprint when sprinting and dodging.

Player now loses stealth temporarily when dodging.

Axe and Pick are no longer canceled mid swing when moving.

Heavy sword attack will now enter block if block is held before attack is finished.

Camera now smoothly transitions from crouched to standing.

Camera position while gliding and ADS is now aligned with reticle.

Downward chop animation no longer plays when chopping upright trees.

Crafting a consumable while consuming one will no longer cancel the action.

Consumables no longer get stuck in characters hand when attempting to consume while consuming.

Turning off Unlock All Abilities world setting now returns the player to their natural abilities unlocked state based on their progression.

Copper, Iron and Gold Nodes now properly display chunk damage when mining.

Hunting lures are no longer removed when relogging.

Trees can no longer be severed entirely without being felled.

Felled trees no longer disappear when other trees fall on them.

Animal star rating now updates as soon as it changes from being hit.

Animal star ratings now displays correctly when rejoining a server.

Replacing items on hotbar after using arrow wheel no longer causes items to be dropped.

Items are no longer dropped when an item is placed over another in Aeacus sell slots.

Player can now quick transfer items to Aeacus sell slots.

Armor can now be transferred from armor slots into a chest.

D-pad will now update quest info when a new quest list entry is highlighted.

Directional navigation can now move between hotbar and recipes.

Items are now removed from cursor when opening the map from the inventory screen.

Repair Kit interaction is now cancelled when moving to other screens.

Durability is now correctly displayed when first repairing an item.

Broken armor that is repaired can now continue to take damage.

Armor no longer selects a single piece to take damage.

Taking damage from swimming no longer degrades armor durability.

Consumables now display correct icon in food / potion slots.

Cloak versions of armor now have correct UI icons.

Refineries now message when the player has no relevant items in their inventory.

Messaging for lighting all braziers within a biome has been improved.

Hunter quest now says “Hare” instead of “Hares” to match quest requirement.

Receiving messages while chat box is open no longer hides all previous messages.

Brazier of Apollo text no longer displays a debug string.

Refinery no longer plays working sfx when while idle.

Aeacus will no longer repeat lines when relogging.

Players can no longer hear others drinking potions.

Clients can now hear the temple door opening.

Please join us in Discord for game discussions, challenges, and assistance! Let us know your thoughts on these changes, and continue sharing your feedback with us through feature up-vote. We look forward to getting you another update next month.

Discord Reminder

For our Discord members, please make sure you accept the Defiers role in the #welcomes-and-rules channel, and then toggle which notifications you would like in the #reaction-roles channel, so you are always notified of patches, updates, and additional news as preferred, like livestreams, challenges, and daily quests.

Until October!
Cheers, Defiers!

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