Minor Combat Improvement Patch
Our minor patch this month brings you improvements to our current combat experience with new sword animations, better targeting, changes to ranges and timings, and various tweaks to smooth out multiplayer combat. These changes are to better align us with the major update coming in early Q2, so expect more improvements to combat in the future.
Here are the changes you will see today: Patch

Backend adjustments and bugfixes to smooth out player combat in a multiplayer setting, such as addressing client-based desyncs.
Reworked how enemy targeting works for melee combat.
Added a chevron above your current target to denote who you are actively targeting.
Enemy health bars have also been adjusted to be more responsive and remain visible if you hold that enemy as a target.
New sword attack animations.
Player combat animations, timings, and ranges for gap closing have been adjusted.
Removed the "Gorgon’s Gaze" debuff. Debuff to be revisited when more combat improvements have been made.
Replaced the Soldier’s "Slow" debuff with "Weak."
Camera shake has been adjusted for certain scenarios, including the Skeleton spawn event.

Fixed an issue where combo attacks could occasionally fail after a Sprint attack.
Fixed an issue where certain attacks were still blocking Block and Dodge actions.
Fixed an issue with knockback direction when hit with certain AOE attacks.
Fixed an issue with Abandoned firing off multiple attacks at once.
Fixed an issue with Gorgons entering a passive state when interrupted during combat.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Golem’s boulder to explode prematurely.
Fixed an issue where clients would experience screen shake if Skeleton spawns were triggered by other players.
Fixed an issue with Stone Roofs displaying flickering textures when constructing.

Please continue to report your bugs to our Feature Up-Vote! If you have questions about this patch, please visit our Discord or Steam Discussions. You can email support@traega.com at any time.
We have submitted a follow-up hotfix to correct a broken "Harvester" quest that had snuck into the patch. If you created a new world since the patch this morning and discovered the broken Harvester quest, you will need to recreate the world after downloading the hotfix.
Besides hotfixes, our next update may be our first major content update with Sisters of the Deep! We'll tease more about this throughout the next couple months. Get excited!
Thank you!