November 22, 2024

November Patch Now Live!

We're excited to bring some more improvements to your Dawn of Defiance playthrough! If you haven't followed our past two blogs teeing up this new patch, get ready for a variety of combat and AI-related improvements, in addition to more quality-of-life changes and bug fixes. But WAIT, there's more! This patch also welcomes in our new skeleton enemy, new mace weapons, enemy camps, roaming patrols, and the very exciting first iteration of our Town Center buildable!

As the changes for this patch largely touch on mid-game improvements and progression, they're likely best enjoyed from a fresh playthrough, but you don't have to restart unless you prefer, of course! Your saves should not break. If they do, please contact us immediately by Discord or!

Reminder that on December 4th, we'll be getting you a revised roadmap and more information about our first new content-focused update! Now, take a read through the following patch notes, and we'll see you on the Crossroads! If you have new feedback or bugs to report, please use our Feature Up-Vote, our Discord, or visit Steam Discussions!


Town Center has been added to the buildables. It is unlocked from the simple hammer and enables building and crafting from the Town Chests within 100m radius to Town Center buildable.

Town Chest has been added to the buildables. It is unlocked from the simple hammer and is a larger storage option that is connected to the Town Center. Only items placed within Town Chests will be pulled from for building & crafting within Town Center radius.

New Reiver weapon included at the armory.

New Skeleton enemy type added to the desert.

Added path roaming formations for random enemy encounters.

Added more enemy camps to the world.

Added new ore resource node locations.

New art for Darkwood ambrosia trees.


Art for most ore nodes (such as Copper, Silver, and Clay) have been revisited and improved.

Glide animations improved with various weapons.

Hardfall adapted into Downward Strike: Using attack while in glide now triggers an aerial attack animation. Changes included for sword, spear, and club.

Updated knockback properties of various attacks.

Adjustments made to Melee Attack behaviors, such as: Spacing, Timing, Pushback, Facing of target, Damage tuning

Animations tweaks to: Combat flinches, Golem, and spear-use

Added distant Lost and Solider banter and chatter audio.

Adjusted resource locations coincide with changes to resource tiers, such as Hardwood becoming a more valuable resource than Darkwood.

Several Mastery quests have minor changes to account for economy-related updates.

Added additional fauna spawners and adjusted placements.

Various improvements made to AI systems, including: Boars, Wolves, Soldiers, Golems, and the Lost.

Players now have the ability to descend during glide (default input is Crouch). Controller inputs have been adjusted to support this fix. QoL Request on Feature Up-Vote.

Players now have the option to “Hold to Sprint” function. Some keybindings have been swapped to accommodate this change. See your keybindings for your preferred controller in your settings. QoL Request on Feature Up-Vote

Players now gather faster when holding interact to harvesting and running between resource nodes. QoL Request on Feature Up-Vote.

Controller now behaves more consistently when using DPAD in some menus.

Cancelling a bow shot no longer cancels camera zoom.

Grindstone appearance has been updated for better messaging.

Minor map changes, such as additional trees, rocks, reeds, etc.


Fixed an issue with tall grass sticking through buildables. Flickering remains a known issue.

Fixed several issues related to DX11 causing mining nodes and other objects to be invisible.

Fixed several issues causing Enemy and Fauna to spawn inside rocks, although a few known issues persists.

Fixed an issue where stamina regen could break when gliding into water.

Fixed an issue where player could get stuck between rocks when running out of stamina while gliding above them. Issue on Feature Up-Vote.

Fixed a durability issue when using the Forge.

Fixed an issue where consumable timers were not displaying properly.

Fixed a reverb audio issue where teleporting from the small island to the main island caused the reverb to get stuck on.

Fixes to looping audio where audio could stack and not be scheduled correctly, resulting in problems when loading back into a game.

Lastly, a disclaimer for players who like to experiment with the console: since we do not officially support use of console commands, we have disabled console accessibility by default. Please contact us on Discord if you have questions!

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