May 30, 2024

Dev Updates #1

If you didn’t catch our announcement at the beginning of the month, we’re making a game! Check out the trailer for Dawn Of Defiance here in our last article! If you haven’t already, give us a wishlist on Steam and Epic. If you aren’t aware, wishlisting our game helps our store become promoted on the front page of the platform as we approach our launch date, so wishlisting is super helpful to get more eyes on our title. So even if you don’t use your wishlist-list, consider adding us! Cheers!

Wishlist on Steam!   OR   Wishlist on Epic!

Now that the recap is out of the way, are you ready for actual development updates? I can do that for you. Here’s some of what we’ve been working on and things to look forward to in Dawn Of Defiance:

Update Highlights:

Game Polish:
Relaxed Weapon State

Rumor has it, our Defier beefed up because he never put the bow down. Poised, at the ready, 24/7. That all changed this month. Now our hero reverts to a relaxed weapon state after an attack. Good for him. He’s still muscular too. Because muscles are forever. In addition to this, we’ve also improved running and torch-holding, and now harvesting animations are no longer split-body while standing still. Great news!

New Items:
Furnishings & Decor

Gone are the days of cold, empty temples! We’re finalizing the first set of furnishings, and we’ll at last have comfortable halls worth inviting our exactly THREE friends to! Players will be able to decorate their base with thrones, tables, plants, Greek pottery, and more! How delectable for us, how opulent. Being stranded on an island never looked this good.

Player Progression:
Objective Flow

Dawn Of Defiance makes no claims to be a story-based RPG, but we’re folding in minor narrative objectives to help guide player motivations and progression. Spoiler alert, the Gods *ahem* Hades *ahem* won’t be happy with what we’ve written.  Luckily, he can't write steam reviews. Upon awaking on the shore, you’ll be cued to seek tools and receive hints about the powers presiding over the isles, but only after exploring and completing objectives on the first island, will you traverse across the waters and find the answers you seek.

Map Updates:
New Biomes

You’ve seen lush wood and rocky coast; but are you ready for your feet to roast? A new ~deserty~ biome is being added to the game, alongside a few others.  I also tossed in a free, rhyming couplet for you. As a treat. We’re dedicating time to new flora and environmental assets to flesh out these areas and give them a distinct flavor. They’ll also include unique resources and enemy variants. I love that for us, personally.

Up Next:
Cave Systems??

Our map is getting deeper…and danker. Or so I've heard. We’re weaving cave systems through the islands for exploration, and I wish I could tell you what’s inside of them, but they won’t let me in. They specifically put-up signs at every entrance that says, “no community mangaers, pls.” Misspelt and everything. We’ll have to wait and see together, I guess.

Bug of the Month:
Big Chungus

The Gods themselves fear the power of this HEFTY boy. Why is he so big? Who made him this way? Certainly, there’s a myth written about him somewhere. Okay, he might not have been a bug at all. We might have done this on purpose. I won’t elaborate; just know, the bunnies are fixed and Big Chungus is no more. It took an entire pack of wolves though * shivers *

Community Update:

We’ve just wrapped up trailer #2, and safe to say, it’s better than the last. You’ll see some of the above updates reflected in the new gameplay. We tried to make use of the feedback we received from trailer #1, so we hope you all will be thrilled with what we came up with.  Expect that bad boy to hit your inbox in less than two weeks, BUT it will premiere a day sooner on IGN Live June 7-9th! Please join us for this livestream to share the love!

I will remind everyone on social media with greater details as we approach that announcement, but in the meantime, you can continue to access our Discord for more immediate dev questions, and a place to read our new and expanding FAQ sheet.

We hope to see you there.

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Developers Talk UI & UX

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Minor Combat Improvement Patch

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January 21, 2025
Developer Talk Series!

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Sisters of the Deep and Our Roadmap!

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November Patch Now Live!

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Important Upcoming Dates!

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"Mid" November News!

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The 10 Day Countdown Begins

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September 26, 2024
September Quality of Life Patch

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August 15, 2024
Welcome to Dawn of Defiance

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July 19, 2024
Dev Updates #2

Here's what's new in development as we near early access launch next month!

June 8, 2024
Our Launch Date Revealed!

Dawn Of Defiance launches into PC early access this Summer, August 15!

May 30, 2024
Dev Updates #1

Updates this month include relaxed weapon states & narrative objectives!

May 8, 2024
Announcing Dawn of Defiance!

Traega Games proudly reveals Dawn of Defiance, an open-world survival craft.

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